7 ways to Speed up your Blog or website by 3X times(Score 95+ on PageSpeed).

Speed up your Blog or Website by 3X times(Score 95+ on PageSpeed).

 A lazy page loading time can cause you to incur huge traffic loss on your blog or website  A lazy page loading time can cause you to incur huge traffic loss. Here I will tell you How can you improve your blog/website speed. See my PageSpeed insights-:

How to score more than 95 in Google PageSpeed insights.

I hope this photo will serve as an evidence that yes you can also improve your page speed because I also didn't pay much attention to my page speed score earlier. If you want to rank your blog or website higher in Google Search Engine then your Page Speed should be Blazing Fast and user-friendly too. Nobody likes slow page loading time and users will surely turn back from your site.

You can understand what I mean to say by the pictorial representation below(bounce means users leaving your site because of delay caused)-: 

Improve Page load time in Google PageSpeed Insights.

1.Use fast Web Hosting Services

Fast Web Hosting service also plays a major role in improving your rank on Google Search Engine and providing fast Page load time. There are many Web Hosting Services present across the globe but choosing one of them is not very easy. If you are using Blogger(Blogspot) then you don't need hosting as it is provided by Google but buying a correct Hosting will help you to increase your SEO and load time too.

2.Always use User-friendly and Fast Loading Templates. 

Speed up your Blog or website by 3X times.

You might choose any template present across the internet and use it but you should always test the template on Google PageSpeed and check whether it's mobile-friendly or not before changing your blog structure. The thing you should check before changing or buying a template are-:
  • Design and Page Structure(Important).
  • Page Load Time(Most Important).
  • User Friendly(Most Important).
  • Mobile and Desktop Friendly(Most Important).
  • Well coded(Most Important).
  • Performance(Important).
Some of the fast loading templates are provided here-:

3.Minify Javascript and your CSS codes.

Boost Page loading speed by 3X times

This can boost your page load time by many seconds. The JavaScript and CSS codes present in your blog or website templates contain many unnecessary codes that waste the parsing time. Removing them may result in less time utilization to load the same page faster reducing its file size. There are many Html, JavaScript, and CSS code minifier present online which removes unnecessary scripts in few seconds saving you from hiring a professional and wasting money. I have mentioned this topic in detail here-:

4.Always Use Compressed Images for your post.

Always Use Compressed Images for your post to speed up your blog or website.

This is a great factor that can decrease the page load time by many seconds saving your kbs. The same picture with the same quality can be provided with less size by using lossless image compression tools present online for free. Many bloggers provide a very high-quality image in their posts which results in slow loading of their pages. There are many image compression tools present online and you can use them to compress your image without losing its quality.

5.Serve images in Next-gen format.

Serve images in Next-gen format to speed up your blog.

JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP are image formats that have superior compression and quality consuming very less size(in kbs) than png, jpg, jpeg, etc. Providing the images in these formats will help the pages to load much faster. WebP is supported on chrome, opera, safari, firefox, edge, etc

6.Use less number of posts on the Home Page.

When you use a large number of posts on the home page of your website or blog like 10-20, then this might also affect the page load time of your blog/website. Always put 5-7 posts on the Home page of your site so that less time is consumed to load your site.

7.Use asynchronous loading for 3rd-party javascript and CSS.

Loading the javascript and CSS codes asynchronously can speed up your blog/website as the 3rd-party codes will be loaded only after the whole webpage has been loaded. This will boost the Webpage speed and also the 3rd-party javascript will not become a Render Blocking Resource as per PageSpeed Insights. The only thing you need to do is to put the "async" attribute just before the src link. For eg-:
If I want to load this pic asynchronously then I will transform the code like this:
<script src=https://techproofblog.blogspot.com/2020/11/7-ways-to-speed-up-your-blog-or-website-by-3x.html>
<script async src=https://techproofblog.blogspot.com/2020/11/7-ways-to-speed-up-your-blog-or-website-by-3x.html>

The earlier javascript will load while the whole webpage is loading. (This will slow the webpage).
The async javascript will load after the whole webpage is loaded. (This will slow the webpage).
You can use this thing for loading ads and images too.

***Please take a backup of your blog/website before doing all this because we humans very well know how to commit errors easily.***

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